Fake Democracy

A) Hay… Do you know? There is an election in our country this year. Our military government said they will hold the election in free and fair way.
B) Yes, the election will be held so free and fair that is why even NLD does not run in the election.
A) Oh really? Why?
B) Well….. The referendum of 2008 constitution was written by them according to their wish. And the electrotial law is not allowing people who were released from prison not only for running in the election even joining in political parties or any other parties for the election.
B) Oh my friend, it is true. Those people cannot run the election.
A) Well… The government is doing intentionally to be like that. The people I am talking who are really trying to get democracy in our country. The military government who said toward democracy arrests these people and send to prison with no good reason. Also now they are stopped by the military government from running the election. Can we call this democracy?
B) Umm! So our government is actually killing democracy even though they say democracy. It is just really like the wolf wearing the skin of sheep.
A) Beside from this, our government is truly like the actor mask worn by the ogre, who is pretending so good at front and very cunning in the back, and chopping our back with knife.

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